Thursday, November 12, 2009

Links to Albums

Since I typically upload raw photos to Picasa Web for viewing.. I'm realizing that I don't update this site as often as I should. So here are some links:

Little Dietrich's first Xmas card

Vela - The best puppy ever

Pics of a newborn

A baby shower

An Indian wedding... kinda

A little Lance o' California

An Engagement

Monday, January 5, 2009

Precious Moments

I just had the opportunity to go down to Dog Beach in Del Mar, CA and photograph Man's best friend. Then there's Lou Diamond, named after the diamond on his forehead, who proved that puppies are quite the posers...

And Moncho, a shepard mix who is dying from cancer. The owner, with tears in her eyes, asked if I would take his picture as they were prepared to put him down later that evening. An emotional sunset for more than just one. I think the picture says it all...